"So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God"
--Romans 14:12  

Compiled Financial Statements

Compiled financial statements are prepared by a CPA based on information provided by management. This information, generally in the form of an income statement, balance sheet, statement of cash flows and footnote disclosures (although non-disclosure financial statements can also be prepared), is presented without the CPA expressing any assurances on the information contained in the financial statements.

Review Financial Statements

A review is a higher level of service than a compilation in the preparation of financial statements. Reviewed financial statements are prepared based on information provided by management, however, a CPA will also perform inquiry and analytical procedures that provide the CPA with a reasonable basis for expressing limited assurances that no material modifications are needed for the financial statements to be in conformity with generally accepted accounting principals. While a review is a more involved service than a compilation, it does not provide the CPA with a basis for an opinion on those financial statements.

Audited Financial Statements

An audit is the highest level of service a CPA can provide relative to a client’s financial statements. The objective of an audit is to provide a reasonable basis for expressing an opinion regarding the financial statements taken as a whole. Additionally, an audit involves the CPA obtaining an understanding of internal control, testing of accounting records, observing and confirming financial data and performing certain other procedures ordinarily performed during an audit.

Write Up Services

In addition to our audit, review and compilation services our firm is also capable of taking the original books of entry of a client (checkbook, billing records etc.) and entering this data into a computerized general accounting package either at the client’s site or in our office.



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